This is Carla McAlary. 
Here is the brief for the event that I will be hosting: 
What: Tree Care and Launch Party for XXVII Consulting, a homegrown approach to the digital landscape.
In honor of our launch, we’re taking it to the street (trees).
Our goal is to provide care for 27 trees in the neighborhood.
When: Saturday, September 29, 2018 10-4pm ( Parks department will be coming at 1-2:30 to provide mulch and gardening tools. )
Where: Crown Heights- starting corner of Sterling and New York Avenue and then around the vicinity based on the trees that need the most care. 
More Details: This is a free event. We’ll be weeding, watering, mulching, learning the history of street trees, and caring for the community.

You can see the website page set up that describes the event more fully. 
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