Good Day and Happy Holidays:


Attached you will find information on the Department of Homeless Services HOPE Count 2016 as well as a registration link.


HOPE Count 2016 is taking place on Monday January 25th.  The participation of our fellow New Yorkers in this survey is critical to its success.  We are striving to secure 3,500 volunteers to help survey the number of homeless individuals living on city streets, parks and in other public spaces throughout New York City.  We currently have 1,200 volunteers registered, and we need your help reaching our 3,500 volunteer goal.  We encourage those who have volunteered before to sign up again.  If you could not volunteer last year, we encourage you to join us in our efforts this year to accurately count the number of street homeless individuals.  The more volunteers we have to help us perform the count, the more accurate our numbers are and the more resources we garner to address street homelessness. We would appreciate your participation in promoting the Count by sharing this email as well as including announcements about the Count in your newsletters and social media.



HOPE-2016-3000 HOPE-2016-Lets
On Monday January 25, 2016, the NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) will conduct its annual Homeless Outreach Population Estimate (HOPE), a HUD-mandated citywide community volunteer effort to count each chronically homeless person living in public spaces across the five boroughs during the coldest time of the year.

The HOPE Count is an opportunity to get involved in New York City’s effort to reduce chronic street homelessness.

We are calling on YOU, our fellow New Yorkers, to help us canvass parks, subways, and other public spaces to estimate the number of people who find themselves living on the street. Thousands of volunteers are needed to make the HOPE Count a success. Last year, a record 3,500 New Yorkers participated in the count; we are hoping to recruit as many or more this year.

Just one night of your time will help us collect vital information for our outreach teams to help homeless people move off the streets and into a more stable, safe environment as they set out on a path for a better life.

DHS teams work tirelessly every day to engage and assist these individuals and combat street homelessness across the city. They use HOPE information to improve their outreach during winter and beyond.

Through HOPE and other initiatives, including a new commitment to expand supportive housing, expanded street teams, and more specialized programs to bring street homeless people into safe and appropriate indoor spaces, the City is bringing hope to people who have been homeless, and guiding their journey back home.

Please register now to join the HOPE Count.

Find out more info about the HOPE Count on the top navigation bar.



We hope you will consider dedicating your time to helping us to conduct the annual HOPE count.


Please contact us with any questions you may have at 212-361-7900.


Thank you.


HOPE Count 2016 flier


“Reducing Homelessness, Improving Lives”



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