Lincoln Place between Brooklyn Avenue and Eastern Parkway was recently converted to a fire zone because an inspection by Borough Engineering made in response to a request to replace missing “No Parking Anytime”  signage along the north curb of Lincoln Place at Utica Avenue revealed that many vehicles are parking  along the corridor regardless of the No Parking Anytime regulation.  The street is only 21 feet wide with legal parking on the south curb, so the parking along the north curb does not allow for the safe passage of emergency response vehicles, particularly fire engines, should both curbs have parked vehicles at any given location.  The Borough Engineer issued a work order to upgrade the existing “No Parking Anytime” to “No Standing Fire Zone” for the entire aforementioned stretch.  The upgrade does not technically result in a loss of parking, but it does impose stricter regulations for violators of the No Parking Anything rules.

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