u s d h s f e m a assistance to firefighters grant program

AFG E-MAIL ALERT  |  April 21, 2020



The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is available for $35 million in funding for the Fiscal Year 2019 Fire Prevention and Safety Grants, and FEMA will begin accepting FP&S applications at 8 a.m. ET on Monday April 27, 2020. 

The application period will close at 5 p.m. ET on Friday, May 29, 2020, so start planning your application now by reviewing the NOFO, Economic Hardship Waivers Information Bulletin and technical assistance tools below. These tools were produced to help potential applicants begin to plan their FY19 applications ahead of the application period. These documents can be viewed on the AFGP website at www.fema.gov/fire-prevention-safety-grants and/or downloaded to your computer.

Fire Prevention & Safety Application Guidance Materials

FP & S Grants Help Desk: If you have questions about the technical assistance tools listed below, call or e-mail the FP & S Grants help Desk. The toll-free number is 1-866-274-0960; the e-mail address for questions is firegrants@fema.dhs.gov. The FP&S Help Desk is open Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time


FEMA will host live Adobe Connect webinars to provide an overview of the FY 2019 FP&S Grant Program, including both the Fire Prevention and Safety activity and the Research and Development activity. The presentations will outline important information and reminders about program priorities, eligible costs, how to navigate the grant application, and tips for preparing a FP&S application. FEMA Fire Program Specialists will be available to answer your questions.

FP & S Webinar Schedule:


Day of Week



FY 2019 FP&S Activity



1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET

FY 2019 FP&S Research and Development Activity



1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET

FY 2019 FP&S Activity



1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET

FY 2019 FP&S Activity



1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET

FY 2019 FP&S Activity



1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ET

Live Webinars

Webinar sessions will be broadcast using an Adobe Connect webinar link. We suggest that you save this link to your browser’s favorites.

The Adobe Connect webinar can be found at  https://fema.connectsolutions.com/fy2019fpswebinar/

To access the webinar follow these steps:

  1. Click on the webinar link;
  2. Select “enter as a guest” and provide your name and your department’s name. Click on enter the room;
  3. Agree to the terms of the Adobe Connect system, Click on “OK”.

For the audio transmission, the call-in number is (888) 270-9936. Enter PIN of 1109364 followed by #. The webinars will include videos with a walk-through of an application in FEMA GO; you will need to have access to a computer to view the videos.

If you have never attended an Adobe Connect meeting before you may test your connection and audio at https://fema.connectsolutions.com/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm

Not sure if the webinar is working on your computer? Test your webinar access now by signing in as a guest, just visit: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/fy2019fpswebinar/


The FY 2019 FP&S application period opens at 8 a.m. ET on April 27. All eligible applicants must be registered and active in the System for Award Management (SAM) before you can begin or submit an application. FEMA may not make an award until the entity has provided a valid Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number and maintains an active SAM.gov registration with current information. SAM.gov consolidates federal procurement systems and the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.

To register, or validate your information, please visit: https://www.sam.gov/SAM/

SAM.gov Registration Tips:

Please ensure the following items are current in SAM and the DUNS number used in SAM is the same one you use for all FEMA applications:

  • Organization’s name
  • Address
  • Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)
  • Employer Identification Number (EIN)
  • Banking information (type of account (checking or saving), routing number, and account number
  • Many websites may look official in appearance but are not. As a reminder, registration in the SAM.gov is FREE
  • SAM.gov registration is only active for one year and must be renewed annually.
  • This information should be consistent in all registration documents

Should you need assistance with your SAM.gov account, there are several ways to get help:

If you have questions or concerns about your SAM.gov registration, please contact the Federal Support desk at https://www.fsd.gov

Submitting Preparer Information

FEMA requires that all applicants identify any individual or organization that assisted with the development, preparation, or review of the application to include drafting or writing the narrative and budget, whether that person, entity, or agent is compensated or not and whether the assistance took place prior to submitting the application. Please ensure that this information is accurate at the time of submission. As a reminder, all applicants must attest that all information contained within the application, including preparer information, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of your knowledge. If you contract with a grant writer, and they either advise you to not list them in the preparer information section of the application, or refuse to be listed, please notify the FP&S program office.

Web Browser Information

FEMA GO is compatible with Internet Explorer (version 11 or higher), Firefox (version 73 or higher), or Chrome (version 80 or higher). Users who attempt to use tablet type devices or other browsers may encounter issues with using FEMA GO.

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