Concealed Carry Firearm Laws in New York City – In response to the Supreme Court ruling that deemed New York State’s “proper cause gun licensing” provision was in violation of the second Amendment, New York State legislature has passed a new provision of the law that goes into effect today, September 1, 2022. The legislation adds eligibility requirements in the concealed carry licensing process, including completed firearm training courses for applicants. It also restricts the carrying of concealed weapons in a specified list of “sensitive locations,” including Times Square. Additionally, under the legislation, licensees will not be allowed to bring a concealed weapon into a private establishment unless they have explicit permission from the property owner.
Signage will be posted around the borders of the Times Square sensitive location designating it as a “Gun Free Zone.” There are also optional signage templates available for property owners of private establishments to indicate whether concealed carry licensees can bring guns onto their premises.
For additional information about the new legislation, please visit: New York City Concealed Carry (

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