Community Notice


Temporary Changes to the Roadway Network on

Atlantic Avenue, Sixth Avenue, and Pacific Street

Starting on December 30th or 31st, 2014


As part of construction related to the Pacific Park Brooklyn (formerly Atlantic Yards) project, the following temporary changes will be made to the roadway network:


1. One block of Sixth Avenue, between Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Street, has been converted from two-way traffic to one-way northbound only and will remain so for approximately six months. Sixth Avenue will remain two-way south of Pacific Street.


2. The southwest corner of Atlantic and Sixth Avenues will be closed to pedestrians.


3. The southeast corner of Atlantic and Sixth Avenues will be reopened to pedestrians.


4. At the intersection of Atlantic and Sixth Avenues, both the west crosswalk (which crosses Atlantic Avenue) and the south crosswalk (which crosses Sixth Avenue) will be closed. Those crossing Atlantic Avenue must use the east crosswalk, which will be reopened. Those crossing Sixth Avenue must either use the crosswalk at Pacific Street, or use the crosswalk at S. Portland Avenue.


The north sidewalk on Pacific Street, near Sixth Avenue, will remain closed to pedestrian traffic for another six months. No further changes to bus stop locations or parking regulations are being made at this time.


Adjustments of work zones and roadway striping on Atlantic and Sixth Avenues will occur both overnight and during daytime hours and are expected to take two days/nights to complete.

This work zone roadway confi­guration is expected to be in place for approximately four months.

Work will occur during daytime hours, however, occasional night work may be required.


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